BlueCross BlueShield Insurance Information
Types of Insurance Coverage
BlueCross BlueShield offers a variety of different health insurance products. Traditional insurance, also known as indemnity or fee-for-service, allows members to pick any health care provider. A health maintenance organization, or HMO, offers fewer options at a lower cost. Point-of-service coverage allows members to choose the medical services they want and whether they will go to a provider within the BlueCross BlueShield network or outside of it. The preferred provider organization, or PPO, offers discounted costs to members who use health care providers who contract with the PPO. The federal employee program offers healthcare insurance to federal employees.
Other Products
The insurance company also offers products that, while not insurance, provide funding for health-related costs. A flexible spending account is funded through pre-tax paycheck contributions. Flexible spending accounts can be used for eligible medical and dependent care expenses. A health savings account is a tax-deductible account that members can use to pay for qualified medical expenses. A health reimbursement arrangement is established by employers to reimburse a portion of their employees' family members out-of-pocket expenses for health care.
Educational Programs
There are also a variety of national programs to help educate members and help them make healthier decisions. Blue365 offers members savings on health-related products and services. The blue health intelligence provides data on health care trends and best practices. AskBlue is a personal guide to help members identify coverage options in their area. WalkingWorks is a walking program where members set their goals and track their progress to get closer to the President's Council on Physical Fitness recommendation of taking 10,000 steps daily.
Options While Away from Home
BlueCross Blueshield members can get services from any of the 39 participating independent companies, but should keep their identification, or BlueCard, with them to prove their membership across the nation and in more than 200 countries and territories. BlueCross BlueShield members living abroad for more than six months are still covered under the BlueWorldwide Expat program. The program provides members access to international doctors and hospitals, language translation, currency conversion and parental accommodations, among other features. There are no country exclusions to the program.