What Type of Medicaid Insurance Is Available in Georgia?
Georgia Families
The Georgia Families program provides health care for Medicaid members and children in PeachCare for Kids, which provides health care for uninsured children living in Georgia. The program uses care management organizations (CMOs) and allows members to select a health plan and primary care provider in their area. The participating CMOs are Amerigroup Community Care, Peach State Health Plan and WellCare. Georgia Families provides members expanded access to plans and providers.
Planning For Healthy Babies
Georgia aims to reduce the number of low and very-low birth weight babies through its Planning for Healthy Babies program. Women who give birth to these babies may receive services such as family planning, inter-pregnancy care and Resource Mother, which is a care management service. Eligibility for each service depends on income requirements, the baby's birth weight and whether a woman currently receives Medicaid.
Long-Term Care
Georgia provides long-term care for elderly people and people with disabilities who need help living in their home or community through its waiver programs. Some of the core services include help with managing needs and services, help with daily bathing, meals and housekeeping and home health services, such as nursing and therapy. Institutional services, such as nursing home care and hospice care, are also available. Long-term care insurance is offered through Georgia's Long-Term Care Partnership Program.
Other Programs
Other programs and services are available to Medicaid members in Georgia. The Health Insurance Premium Payment Program helps Medicaid members who work pay for their employer's group health plan premiums, coinsurance or deductibles. (See Resources) The Georgia Better Health Care program provides primary care case managers to Medicaid members to help provide and coordinate their health care services. (See Resources) The Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation program provides medical- related transportation services for Medicaid members who don't have another source of transportation. (See Resources)