Help for Uninsured Children in Arkansas
Choose An ARKids First Plan
Many families are eligible for, but don't apply for ARKids First. Choose an ARKids First health insurance plan. ARKids First is a statewide program that offers two coverage options for children in Arkansas. "ARKids A" offers low-income families a package of benefits, while "ARKids B" provides coverage for families with higher incomes. You will be asked to compare your family's income with the guidelines established by ARKids First to determine which plan best suits your needs. ARKids First covers preventive care and medically necessary services for children up to 19 years old.
Apply for ARkids First
Call for an application, or complete one online. Apply for either ARKids A or ARKids B. You can apply online, or by calling the toll-free hotline, 1-888-474-8275. A visit to the Department of Human Services is not necessary. If you have trouble printing out the application, or if you do not have a computer, go to your local library for assistance. If your child was recently covered by health insurance, there will be a six-month waiting period from the termination of that coverage to the start of the ARKids First coverage.
Dental Insurance
Seek out low-cost dental care at a local learning center. Seek dental treatment for your child at a local learning center. This option is a good one if you choose not to participate in the ARKids First program. Practicing dental hygienists often offer their services for greatly reduced prices. If your child is enrolled in ARKids First, they are eligible for dental benefits. Preventive, diagnostic and treatment services will be covered.
Emergency Care
Do not delay emergency treatment. Bring your child directly to the emergency room in the instance of a true emergency. Do not delay because of a lack of coverage. Hospitals must treat emergency victims regardless of coverage. Once your child is released, go directly to the hospital billing office and discuss your situation. You will be able to establish a payment plan -- or possibly have a portion of your bill waived.