What Are the Income Limits for Georgia Food Stamps & Medicaid?

The state of Georgia provides both food stamps and Medicaid benefits for its citizens according to need, but things aren't as simple as a hard-and-fast income threshold. Thresholds for both programs vary depending on other factors, like family size and expense; in Medicaid's case, there are many programs you can apply to, each with their own requirements. Nevertheless, with the help of Georgian online resources, you can discover whether you are eligible for any of these social programs.
  1. Food Stamps

    • Food stamps are awarded to households -- not necessarily individuals -- on a case-by-case basis and according to poverty statistics set by the federal government. In 2010, the baseline net income limit for a household of three was $16,608 per year. This isn't the only variable the food stamps program considers, however; the age and expenses of the people in your household are as important to your eligibility.

    Applying for Stamps

    • Apply for food stamps by completing Form 297 and submitting it to your local Georgia Department of Family and Children Services office, or apply online with the DFCS' COMPASS page. You can also use COMPASS to test your eligibility without actually applying. See Resources for links to both Form 297 and the COMPASS page, as well as a list of all DFCS offices in Georgia.


    • Medicaid income threshold requirements vary depending on which Medicaid program you are seeking to join. For example, a household of two people is eligible for Low-Income Medicaid on less than $4,272 a year, while a pregnant woman living alone can receive Right From the Start Medicaid on less than $21,660 a year. Some Medicaid programs also have "resource" thresholds, which set limits on the total value of items owned by an applicant, like real estate or automobiles.

    Applying for Medicaid

    • Check your eligibility for a particular Medicaid program on the Georgia Department of Community Health's Eligible Criteria Chart. If you want to apply for a program, download an application from the Department of Family and Children Services. Fill it out with information about your residence, your family size, your income and resources, and your citizenship status; then return it. See Resources for links to both sites, as well as to a listing of all DFCS offices in Georgia.

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