Requirements for a Texas Medicaid Application
Personal Information
You must include the names, Social Security numbers and birth dates for all members of your household on your Texas Medicaid application, and you must prove identity and citizenship. A birth certificate, state ID card and a Social Security card suffice for adult U.S. citizens; children do not have to present state identification. A person who is not a U.S. citizen but a legal resident can use an alien registration card or official documentation from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau, per the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
Income Documentation
You must list all sources of income on the Texas Medicaid form and provide proof. Your job earnings are evidenced by paystubs, personnel records or a signed statement from your employer that lists what you make on a monthly basis. Federal and state benefits, like Social Security or unemployment payments, must be documented by stubs or the original letter you received from the payer stating your benefit amount. Any child support you receive must be on a written statement from the paying parent or a statement from the court or child support unit.
Resources Information
You are required to submit additional financial papers for resources you have with your Medicaid application. Any loans you received from a private person must be stated; the note or repayment agreement you signed can be submitted with your application, per the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. You must provide current statements for any bank accounts you have and property tax bills and deeds (the document used to evidence ownership of real estate) for any real estate you own.
Additional Events and Costs
Some events and expenses must be documented and turned in with your Texas Medicaid application. Child support you pay and money you pay for day care services for your children are considered during the Medicaid approval process in Texas, and proof of what you pay should be provided to the caseworker. Any medical bills you currently owe for yourself or a person in your household go with your application. A pregnant woman must file proof of the pregnancy, such as medical records, with the form.