Affordable Health Insurance for Children in Georgia
PeachCare for Kids
In the late 1990s Georgia established PeachCare for Kids, a program that provides low-cost health insurance for children under age 19 in households that earn up to 235 percent of the federal poverty guidelines for their household size. The income restrictions for Medicaid in Georgia are strict -- only families with incomes less than 185 percent of the federal poverty level qualify for Medicaid -- and as a result, some children with working parents who could not afford health insurance coverage were going without. As of 2011, a family of four can make up to $51,818 per year and qualify for PeachCare.
Cost of PeachCare for Kids
Families with children in the PeachCare program pay a monthly premium for the coverage if the children are over age six. Children under age six are free, while parents pay a monthly premium for older children that ranges from $10 to $35 per month, depending on the household income and size. The maximum monthly premium is $70 per month for two or more children. PeachCare benefits do not require the payment of deductibles or co-payments for services.
PeachCare for Kids Coverage and Benefits
When families enroll in PeachCare for Kids, they choose a Georgia Families Care Management Organization to coordinate the benefits and health care. These organizations are private health insurance companies, and after your initial enrollment period, you can only change your company once per year during the open enrollment period. The insurance covers most medical procedures and services, including preventive services and immunizations, doctor visits, emergency room and hospital care, dental, vision and mental health care and prescriptions. PeachCare coverage starts on the first day of the month that application is approved, and bills incurred before that day will not be covered by the insurance.
PeachCare Eligibility
In order to be eligible for PeachCare for kids, families not only need to meet the income requirements, but they must also be residents of Georgia and U.S. citizens or legal residents. Children of state employees are not eligible for PeachCare, as they have access to health insurance through their parent's employment. Children must be without health insurance for at least six months before they can be eligible for PeachCare for kids. Income verification is also required; you are required to provide copies of pay stubs or tax information to prove that your income falls within the eligibility requirements.