Health Insurance for Children in Florida

The state of Florida offers KidCare. KidCare is an insurance program that covers children from birth to age 18. KidCare is comprised of four parts: MediKids, Healthy Kids, Children's Medical Service Network and Medicaid. When parents or guardians apply for insurance, KidCare will determine which program the child is eligible for based on age and the family's income.
  1. MediKids

    • MediKids is available under the KidCare insurance program for children ages 1 to 4. Children that participate in MediKids receive most of the benefits offered through Medicaid, and receive services from Medicaid health providers. As of 2011, parents pay a premium of $15 to $20 per household depending on income. For families that do not meet income guidelines, a monthly premium of $159 per month for each child is required to participate in MediKids. Health care is provided by doctors called primary care providers. MediKids will cover costs associated with visits to a PCP or a specialist referred by a PCP.

    Healthy Kids

    • The Florida Healthy Kids program offers insurance to children ages 5 to 18. Healthy Kids is available to children who do not qualify for Medicaid. Services provided by Healthy Kids include doctor visits, immunizations, dental care, emergency care and hospital stays. As of 2011, a $15 to $20 monthly premium is required for most families. Families that do not meet income guidelines may purchase insurance at the full monthly cost.

    Children's Medical Service Network

    • The Children's Medical Service Network provides health care for children with special needs from birth to age 18. All CMS services are provided by quality physicians, nurses and social workers. The CMS network offers health care services, child protection and safety services, child and family information, early intervention and child development, and newborn screening. Families must meet income guidelines to qualify for CMS. CMS is available to families at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.


    • Medicaid is available to eligible low-income households who cannot afford medical insurance. The Florida Medicaid program is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration. Children who qualify for Medicaid cannot receive coverage from any other program under KidCare. Eligibility for Medicaid depends on the age of the child and the family's income. Children under age 1 qualify for Medicaid if their family's income is less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Children ages 1 through 5 are eligible for Medicaid if their family's income is less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level. Children ages 6 through 18 are eligible for Medicaid if their family's income is less than 100 percent of the federal poverty level.

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