Medical Benefits for the Military
TRICARE Prime is the main form of health insurance for active military members, reservists and National Guard members called to active duty, and retirees. All active duty personnel are automatically enrolled in this program while it is an option for reservists and retirees. TRICARE Prime has no enrollment fee, no fee for doctor visits for active duty military and has guaranteed appointments when military members need to see a physician or doctor. The medical health of all TRICARE Prime participants is overseen by a primary care manager. This health professional, or team of health professionals, acts as the primary point of contact for a military member's health care needs and refers military personnel to a specialist when the medical condition warrants it.
TRICARE Standard
TRICARE Standard is the health benefit option which provides the most flexibility for military members, according to Under this health plan a beneficiary does not have a primary care manager and has the option to see any TRICARE authorized health care provider without a referral. The annual deductibles and co-pays associated with TRICARE Standard are higher than TRICARE Prime.There is no enrollment fee for this military health benefit option, but active duty military members are not eligible to select it. Only reservists and retirees may select TRICARE Standard.
TRICARE Extra, like other military health benefits, does not charge a fee for enrollment. This health insurance can be combined with TRICARE Standard to provide more thorough health care coverage by taking advantage of Extra's lower co-pay and no balance billing. This type of military health insurance also has no deductible for prescription drugs when the military member uses the military's retail pharmacy network. TRICARE Extra is not available everywhere other military health benefits are accepted. This means retired and non-active duty military members who choose this plan may be more restricted than under the Prime plan.
Family Members and Spouses
The dependent children and spouses of an active duty military members, reservists or retirees may be eligible for coverage using a TRICARE health plan. The charges for civilians under a military health plan are usually higher than those for the actual member of the military. For example, active duty military members pay no annual enrollment fee for TRICARE Prime but dependent children and spouses are required to pay $230 for an individual or $460 for a family to join.