What Is Included in Medicare Part B?
Doctors' services
Part B covers medically necessary doctors' services, such as flu shots and treatment, mental health-care services, some chiropractic services and other medical office services you may need in order to treat health conditions that you may have. It ordinarily pays 80 percent of the Medicare-approved fees, while you pay the remaining 20 percent.
Preventive care
Medicare part B covers various tests, such as EKG screening, foot exams, glaucoma tests, pap tests, x-rays and other preventive services. Part B also covers the one time "Welcome to Medicare" physical test, as long as you get it within the first 12 months you have part B. If you have had Medicare for longer than 12 months, you can schedule a yearly wellness exam to develop or update your preventive plan. It also covers certain prescription drugs. Some of the tests are free, while for others you will pay 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount.
Outpatient care
Part B generally covers ambulance services if you require a transport, ambulatory facilities' fees, cardiac rehabilitation, emergency room services and dialysis services. Medicare part B also pays for outpatient speech, mental and occupational health-care services. The amount that part B covers varies, depending on the service.
Home Health Care
Medicare part B covers skilled home nursing care and speech pathologist services, along with physical and occupational therapy at your home, as long as these services are medically necessary. To receive these benefits, you must be home-bound, and a Medicare-approved doctor must refer you in order for you to receive coverage for home health care. Part B may also cover social services, medical equipment (such as wheelchairs, walkers and oxygen equipment) and supplies. You usually pay 20 percent of the amount approved by Medicare.