Help With Medicare Enrollment

Whether or not you need to enroll in Medicare to start receiving benefits depends on whether or not you already receive Social Security benefits. Generally, if you are not yet receiving any Social Security benefits such as disability benefits or retirement, you need to go through the process of signing up for Medicare and choosing the plans that are more convenient for you.
  1. Part A Enrollment

    • If you already receive Social Security benefits, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A, and you do not need to worry about signing up. Your coverage will start on the first day of the month in which you turn 65 years of age. If you are not yet receiving Social Security benefits because you are still working, you must enroll in Medicare Part A. To do so, you must call the Social Security office and tell them that you need to sign up for Medicare Part A. You can also do it online at their website. You should do so starting from three months before your 65th birthday. If you work for a railroad, you can call the railroad to sign up for Part A.

    Medicare Part B

    • As with Medicare Part A, you are also automatically enrolled in Part B if you already receive Social Security benefits. If you do not receive Social Security benefits yet, you have to sign up for Part B if you want its coverage. However, Part B is voluntary, and if you do not want to be enrolled, you do not need to do it. To sign up, call the Social Security office or go to their website. You can enroll at any time from three months before your 65th birthday to three months afterward. If you live in Puerto Rico, you also have to sign up for Part B if you want benefits.

    Medicare Part C

    • Medicare Part C provides insurance plans with private companies that have a contract with Medicare. You are not required to sign up for Part C if you do not want to. To enroll in Medicare Part C, you have to choose a company and a plan. You can find a list of plans on the Medicare website. Once you choose a plan, you can enroll by contacting the company by phone or through their website. You can also join a plan on the Medicare website or by calling Medicare. When you enroll, you must provide your Medicare number and the date on which your Part A and Part B started.

    Medicare Part D

    • Unlike Medicare Part C, if you do not join a Part D plan when you are eligible to do so and you try to enroll later, you will have to pay a late penalty. To enroll in Part D, you can call Medicare or enroll on the Medicare website. You can also enroll by filling out a paper application with the company you chose or by calling them. You need to provide your Medicare number and the dates on which your Medicare Part A or Part B coverage started. Part D plans cannot call you to enroll you.

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