Information Topic View Applying for Texas Medicaid
Eligibility Categories
In addition to residing in Texas, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant to be considered eligible for Medicaid. In an emergency, illegal immigrants may be eligible for limited Medicaid services. The Medicaid program is available to children under the age of 19, parents of children living in the household, pregnant women, medically needy, elderly and disabled individuals.
Income and Resource Limits
Limit restrictions are placed on all sources of income. Applicants must report both earned and unearned income. Earned income is wages from employment. Unearned income is money from any other sources, such as interest, SSI benefits and child support payments. The income limit is based on the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Each eligibility group is allowed to earn a percentage of the FPL for the household size. Pregnant women and infants are allowed up to 185 percent of the FPL. The limit when applying for children through age 5 is 133 percent of the FPL. For children ages 6 through 19, the limit is 100 percent of the FPL. A working parent with children is only allowed to receive 27 percent. A nonworking parent is limited to a mere 13 percent of the federal poverty level. Disabled are limited to the SSI benefit limit. Resource limits do not apply to infants, children or pregnant women. Other applicants are limited to $2,000 in countable assets. A couple is allowed $3,000. The home, vehicle and personal possessions, such as jewelry and furniture, are not counted.
You will need to gather all financial documents. Applicants are required to submit pay stubs or other earning statements. Submit proof of benefits or an award letter for sources of unearned income. Bank statements for all accounts are also required. Documents are also needed to show citizenship and identity. Proof of identification includes certified copies of birth certificates, Social Security cards, driver's licenses and immigration documents.
There are several different ways for Texas residents to apply for Medicaid. By dialing "211" and selecting Option 2, residents can connect with a local Health and Human Service Commission benefits office. You also can go online to apply for Medicaid by visiting Your Texas Benefits website (see Resource). Submit the application electronically or print and mail to the local office.