Illinois Medicaid Questions
Who is Eligible for Medicaid in Illinois?
Only people with low income qualify to receive Medicaid benefits. You also must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of Illinois. Non-citizens may also qualify under certain conditions. If you are a non-citizen, you must show proof of legal immigration to the U.S. You can present your passport or an INS document. If you are a refugee, you must show your court-ordered notice. People with disabilities who receive SSI are immediately approved for Medicaid and do not need to show documents to prove disability.
What Does the State of Illinois Consider Income?
Illinois analyzes all of your earned and unearned income. If you are 65 or older or if you have a disability, the state also looks at your assets and property. Your earned income includes all the income you receive for your services and job-related wages. Unearned income is all the income you have that comes from public benefits, pensions and other benefit payments you receive.
When Do My Benefits Begin?
If you are approved by the IDPA, your benefits will start in the month in which you are approved. You will receive your Medicaid card in the mail, which is your insurance card that you need to show for your medical expenses. You may also qualify for benefits to cover your medical expenses of at least three months before. When you apply, tell your Illinois case worker about your most recent medical bills.
What Does Illinois Medicaid Cover?
As a recipient of Medicaid, you can have access to the following medical services: hospital care and skilled nursing care, laboratory tests and X-rays, doctor's services, medical equipment and supplies, family planning, medical transportation, prescription drugs, dental care, eye care and chiropractic care. You can find other services covered by Medicaid in Illinois in the Illinois Department of Health Care and Service's website.
Do I Receive Cash?
Illinois Medicaid does not pay you in cash. Medicaid pays your health care provider for the services they give you.
How Do I Apply for Medicaid in Illinois?
You can apply in person or by fax. To apply in person, you have to go to the Illinois DHS Family Community Resource Center (FCRC). You can find one in your area by going online to the Illinois Department of Health and Human Service's website. You will make an appointment, and a caseworker will ask you some questions that he will enter into the system. He will print your application, and you will have to sign it and wait for them to contact you back.