Useful Information on Low-Income Health Insurance
According to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, health care is available for many individuals and families at the federal level, although the government is not able to provide coverage for everyone. Medicaid is federally funded but administered at the state level, so qualifications vary from state to state. Additional programs are available specifically for women, children and veterans. Medicare covers Americans age 65 and older, although it does not cover every medical expense and supplemental insurance is generally needed.
Medicaid and Medicare
For Medicaid, applicants must fall at or below minimum income and household resource limits that are set at the state level. Children under five may qualify for Medicaid services even if their parent(s) do not. Under some conditions, the person receiving Medicaid services may be required to pay a portion of the health care out of pocket. Medicare is available for persons age 65 and older to provide necessary medical care at little or no cost to the participant. Additional programs are available specifically for pregnant women, infants and dependent children.
Women's Health Programs
In addition to the other health programs available to low income persons, there are also special care programs available to women. These programs include supplemental nutrition programs for Women, Infants and Children, or WIC, and the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, or NBCCEDP, among others. In all cases, eligibility is determined by the state of residence; some programs may include mandatory participation in related social service programs as well.
Childrens Health Insurance Program
The Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, is intended to reach an estimated 11 million children from families who are not eligible for other government-sponsored health care services. This program was renewed and expanded by the Obama administration in 2009 with the goal of increasing the number of children eligible by 4 million children, up from 7 million under the previous act. CHIP is administered on a state-by-state basis and allows each state to modify the qualifying factors for participants.
Veterans' Health
Veterans who served a full term of enrollment or who were discharged other than dishonorably are eligible for health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA. Applicants begin by submitting the VA form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits. Once the enrollment is complete, eligible veterans may receive care from VA care centers anywhere in the country at no cost to the patient.