Pros of Medicare
Medical Provider Options
When you have Medicare, you have the freedom to choose from any medical facility or any doctor that accepts Medicare as a form of payment. The vast majority of medical facilities and doctors take Medicare. This means that you should have the freedom to choose from the doctors that you want. If you are currently seeing a particular doctor and you feel comfortable with him, you can continue your normal visits under Medicare coverage.
No Premium for Part A
Another benefit that comes with Medicare is that you do not have to pay any premium for Part A coverage. Medicare Part A is a form of coverage that provides help with hospital bills. Once you become age 65, you are automatically enrolled in this part of Medicare. From that point, you do not have to pay any premium for this coverage. It is paid for with U.S. tax dollars.
Low Premium for Doctor Coverage
Medicare is broken up into several different parts, and in addition to the hospital coverage that you receive, you can also choose to get doctor coverage. This is Medicare Part B, and it is also funded directly by the federal government. If you choose to get this type of coverage, you will only have a small monthly premium to pay. The premium will depend on your income, and most people will pay the lowest premium required.
Help with Prescriptions
An optional portion of Medicare is the prescription drug benefit program under Part D. With this portion of Medicare, you can get help with the costs associated with prescription drugs. Depending on your health, you may need to buy several different prescriptions. If this is the case, having a prescription drug plan can save you a significant amount of money over the course of a year. This benefit is also part of the Medicare Advantage plan offered under Part C.