Medicaid Application FAQ
What Information Do I Need to Apply for Medicaid?
You will need to gather several documents and include them with your Medicaid application. You must show proof of identity with a state-issued driver's license or ID card. A copy of a Social Security card for each recipient must be included as well. If you are an eligible non-citizen, you must show proof of your eligibility status such as with an alien registration card. You must also include bank account statements, insurance policies, utility bills, mortgage statements and birth certificates for dependent children.
There Are So Many Programs Available, How do I Know Which One to Choose?
Apply for the assistance you need. For example, if you only need Medicaid coverage for your children, only apply for medical assistance for children. If you are an elderly person and need Medicaid coverage for yourself, it is not necessary to apply for medical assistance for families, children or pregnant women.
Each state has a description of programs offered. If you have any doubts about which program you need, contact your state's social services department and ask for assistance. You may also choose to apply for all programs. The state department will notify you if you are ineligible for a specific program because of income or other reasons.
Do I Need to Include Information About Everyone Who Lives With Me?
Yes. Medicaid assistance is income-based. Your state will review information about all members of your household including their assets and income to determine your eligibility.
Why Do I Need to List My Assets?
The total amount of your assets may disqualify you for Medicaid. Your total assets cannot exceed a specific dollar amount in value. Assets include but are not limited to cash, savings and checking accounts, stocks and bonds, automobiles, real estate, trust funds, tools and equipment and retirement accounts.
What is Considered Income for Determining My Eligibility For Medicaid?
Each state considers earned income and other sources of income to determine eligibility. Earned income is derived from employment or self-employment. Other income sources include but are not limited to Social Security benefits, child support or alimony payments, unemployment benefits, pension, interest payments, royalty payments, annuities, farm income or rental income.
Can Someone Help Me Complete the Application in My Native Language?
If you need an interpreter you must make that indication on your Medicaid application. Your state will provide an interpreter for you at no cost to you.