California Medicare Eligibility
Medicare Eligibility
There are no California-specific criteria for Medicare eligibility. You are eligible for Medicare if you are age 65 or older, or if you are under age 65 have acute renal failure or Lou Gehrig's disease. In the case of Lou Gehrig's disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), you are eligible for Medicare as soon as you begin receiving disability income benefits from either Social Security or the Railroad Retirement system. If you get disability benefits for another reason from the Railroad Retirement Board, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare on the first day of the 25th month after you begin collecting benefits.
Enrollment in Medicare
If you are a California resident receiving Social Security retirement benefits, you will receive a letter, when you turn 65, notifying you that you have been enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers hospitalization, and Part B, which covers physician's charges, lab fees and medical equipment. There is no charge for Part A; Part B requires a monthly premium. However, you can opt out of Part B coverage. Medicare has two other parts -- Part C, Medicare Advantage plans that allow you to access your Medicare benefits through a managed care network, and Part D, which covers prescription drugs. There are premiums for both Parts C and D, and they are optional coverage. There are subsidies available for those with limited incomes.
For Those Over 65
If you are a California resident over age 65 and not yet receiving retirement benefits from Social Security, you must call Medicare to enroll. Contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. If you are hearing-impaired, you can call 800-325-0778. You should also contact Social Security to enroll in Medicare if you have end stage renal disease, requiring either a kidney transplant or dialysis.
Enrollment Period
To maximize your benefits, enroll in Medicare during the three months before you turn 65. If you wait until after you turn 65. you may be delayed in qualifying for benefits under Part B. However, if you did not sign up when you were first eligible, you can enroll in Medicaid between January 1st and March 31st of each year. Your coverage will not start right away; benefits begin on July 1st. If you delay enrollment after your 65th birthday, Medicare may charge you a higher premium