How to Recommend a Good Dental Plan in Ontario, Canada
Suggest that the person checks with his employer to find out if there is any employment-based health and dental benefit from which he can take advantage. If the person is not employed, they may be able to qualify for benefits through a spouse's employee benefit program. Many employers offer health and dental plans at rates that are far reduced in cost to plans available to individuals. According to the Ontario Dental Association, there are more than 30,000 such employer-provided dental contracts in Ontario.
Seek advice from the Canadian Dental Association. While the Association does not recommend specific plans, it provides useful information to help you assess a plan's coverage, such as asking for coverage details in plain language and providing a list of questions to be answered.
Recommend the person asks other family and friends for their opinions and also his dentist. The dentist may not be impartial, but may be able to provide information as to efficiency and the most comprehensive coverage.
Perform an Internet search of dental plans available in Canada. Compare their coverage carefully. Once you have a list of potential plan providers, contact one of the five Better Business Bureau offices in Ontario to see if they have any complaints registered about any of the companies and to get their advice and recommendations. You could also recommend contacting the Consumers Council of Canada.