What Does TRICARE Pay For?

TRICARE is the health care system that is used by all branches of the military. If you are a member of the active military or reserves, you can benefit from this type of health coverage. Understanding exactly what it can and cannot do for you could help you avoid unnecessary charges.
  1. Who is Covered?

    • Under this type of health insurance plan, only certain people can receive benefits. Anyone who is in the active military or an immediate family member of someone in the military can be covered. If you are in the National Guard or the Army reserves, you can also receive health care benefits through TRICARE. Retired military members can also get help with medical issues through this program. In some cases, former spouses of military members receive benefits as well.


    • The coverage options that you will receive depend greatly on what plan you choose from TRICARE. You can choose between three primary modes of coverage. TRICARE Prime is based on receiving all of your treatment from military treatment facilities. TRICARE Preferred allows you to choose from preferred providers for your medical needs. TRICARE Standard allows you to pay a certain amount of money for each service that you receive. With this plan, you can choose between military and non-military facilities for treatment. The deductibles for these plans are based on which plan you have and what your pay grade is. For TRICARE prime, there are no deductibles. With TRICARE Extra and Standard, you pay $150 for an individual deductible or $300 for a family deductible if your pay grade is E-5 or above. With these plans, you pay $50 for an individual deductible or $100 for a family if your pay grade is E-4 or below.

    General Medical Needs

    • With all three types of TRICARE plans, you can get your general medical needs fulfilled. If you have to see a doctor, you can do so through any of the three plans. With the TRICARE Prime, you can even do so without having to pay a co-pay or meet a deductible. With all three plans, you can also be admitted to the hospital for major treatments or surgery and be covered. Going into a skilled nursing facility can also be covered by all three programs.

    Other Benefits

    • Besides getting your general medical needs through this program, you can also get some other benefits. For example, through TRICARE, you can get access to prescriptions through a pharmacy program. You can also get all of your dental needs taken care of through this type of health coverage. You may also be able to gain access to special programs such as weight-loss groups, alcohol education and classes that teach you how to quit smoking.

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