What Information Does a Health Insurance Company Need to Know?
General Information
The health insurance company will need to know some basic, general information about you including name, contact information, Social Security number, marital status and place of employment. You may also need to provide information about additional health insurance policies you already hold. If you're applying for more than one person (for example, yourself, spouse and children) then the insurance companies needs to know their names and ages. Health insurance companies may require less information when covering individuals under a group insurance policy, such as the type offered by employers to employees. Individuals seeking health insurance coverage will need to provide more information. If you're applying for income-based coverage, the company may need to see financial documentation.
Medical History
You'll need to complete a checklist of information indicating factors making up your medical history. Health insurance companies need to know whether you're pregnant or plan to become pregnant within a specified time period, the date of your last menstrual period and what prescriptions you're currently taking. You may be asked about migraines, recurring headaches, chest pain or circulatory problems. Insurance companies may also ask you about mental health counseling, anxiety or psychotherapy counseling that you've sought.
Family History
Most insurance forms don't directly ask about your family's genetic health; however if the company has specifically asked about your family history, then you'll need to provide this information. Don't try to provide more information than what's been specifically asked, especially when it comes to self-diagnosis or your educated guesses on a particular family member's illness.
Lifestyle Questions
Health insurance companies may need to know information about your lifestyle, including whether you've attended programs intended to address alcohol consumption or misuse of hallucinogenic drugs. They'll also ask whether you smoke or chew tobacco; if you've stopped use, they may need to know your quit date.
While you can exclude any information that the health insurance company doesn't specifically request during the application process, don't attempt to fudge or skip over worrisome questions. Withholding information or lying on applications can result in your health insurance application being denied or funds being refused to cover medical conditions that were concealed or misrepresented during the application process.