How to File Medicare Claims After One Year
Check the date of service or treatment. You have one calendar year to file your claim. Some people are under the misconception that they have one year from the date care was received. If you see a doctor in March 2010, you have until December 31, 2011 to file the claim.
Call Medicare at 800-MEDICARE to ask for the exact time limit. If you are unsure how much time you have to file the claim, a representative will be able to provide specific information related to the service or supply received. If you are approaching the time limit, file the claim immediately. If a claim is filed late, the payment to the physician or supplier will be reduced by 10 percent, if accepted.
Go to the "How to File a Medicare Claim" section on You will find a Patient's Request for Medical Payment form. Print the form.
Complete the form by providing information related to the treatment or service. You will need to include your name, address, Medicare number, reason you were treated and the type of treatment.
Attach a copy of the itemized bill. If there are multiple services on a bill, you will need to highlight the service related to the claim.
Submit the claim to the appropriate Medicare carrier. Contact Medicare for the exact address for your location.