Health Insurance for Children in Pennsylvania
The Children's Health Insurance Program provides insurance to children who are Pennsylvania residents. CHIP has no income limits, so children may qualify for the program regardless of how much money their parents earn, according to the CHIP website. The program provides coverage to kids who are not currently enrolled in another public or private health insurance plan. Comprehensive coverage is available for children up to age 19 for a period of 12 months, after which time the family must reapply for benefits. CHIP is free for many families who meet the income guidelines, and others pay a low monthly premium for coverage.
The state Medicaid program is known as Pennsylvania Medical Assistance, and the program provides complete health insurance coverage to children and adults. Families that meet the income and asset limits may qualify for free coverage through Medical Assistance. Coverage for disabled children may be granted based solely on the child's income rather than the family's income, according to the Pennsylvania Health Law Project.
Extension of Coverage
If your child is currently enrolled in your family's health insurance plan, recent legislation in Pennsylvania may allow you to extend your child's health insurance coverage well beyond the age of 18. Pennsylvania Senate bill 189 allows an adult child to be covered under a parent's health insurance plan up until the age of 30 provided the child has no other health coverage. The adult child must also be a Pennsylvania resident or be enrolled as a full-time college student and remain unmarried with no dependents.
Private Insurance
If you elect not to seek free or low-cost insurance administered by the State of Pennsylvania, you do have the option of obtaining private health insurance for your children. Many employers sponsor group insurance plans that offer lower monthly premiums for both you and your family. You may also contact private health insurance providers in Pennsylvania to find the most competitive health insurance options for your family.