Can I Get on My Boyfriend's Insurance?
Domestic Partner Insurance
In order for you to get on your boyfriend's insurance, you'll need to ask whether his insurance company provides domestic partner insurance. Normally, insurance companies extend coverage only to immediate family members and spouses, but with domestic partner insurance, you can get coverage as a boyfriend or girlfriend. This applies regardless of sexual orientation and whether the relationship is same-sex.
Offering domestic partnership coverage is not required of insurance companies. Subsequently, not every company will let you get on your boyfriend's policy. You may have to look for a different provider who offers domestic partnership, which may be difficult if your boyfriend has insurance through work. Some insurance companies resist offering domestic partnership coverage on the grounds that you have the legal right to marry and get coverage as a spouse, as reported in 2010 by the
In most cases, you have to meet specific requirements to get on your boyfriend's insurance as a domestic partner. Usually this means you have to live in the same residence as your boyfriend and have to have been in the relationship for a specific period, typically six months to a year. The insurance company may require documentation to verify you've met requirements, such as a driver's license that shows your residency.
How to Have Your Boyfriend Add You
Generally, your boyfriend will need to go to his insurance agent in order to authorize you being on his policy. He'll need to bring required documents with him and give them to the agent. If your boyfriend gets his insurance through work, you may have to have your boyfriend go to his human relations (HR) department. The HR worker will need the same documentation you'd give the insurance agent. Your boyfriend will fill out any required forms and submit copies of your documents to the insurance company his employer uses. The HR department will also note changes to his policy in his employment records, since your boyfriend may pay for his and your insurance coverage through automatic payroll deductions. You may need to provide some signatures during this process, so you may need to tag along when your boyfriend visits the insurance company or HR department.
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