Can I Access My Medicaid Online?
State Medicaid Website
You will need to locate your state's Medicaid website. If you need help, contact your local Department of Health and Human Services for information. Keep in mind, your state may not allow you to view Medicaid account information online. You also can visit the American Public Human Services Association for a link to each state's Medicaid site.
Access Benefit Feature
Find the appropriate section. Some sites may direct you to another area to view case information. The Florida Department of Children and Families features a link that directs recipients to the Access Florida site. The Texas Medicaid website features a "View My Case" area with multiple services to select. You can check the interview time, status of your case, forms required and paperwork received.
Information Requirements
Expect to submit your personal information and case number. The registration process may differ in your state. If you are applying for Medicaid benefits for the first time, you may be required to create a user name and password. Write down any confirmation numbers provided when you submit the application. If you currently receive benefits and need to create an account, you will need to provide your case number and Social Security number.
Contact Medicaid
If you are having trouble accessing your case or do not have the proper information on hand, call your local Medicaid office for assistance. A caseworker will be able to provide current case information about your Medicaid benefits.