Medicare Supplemental Health Plans Available in Minnesota
Minnesota Basic
In most areas, Medigap Plan A is the most basic plan, offering the fewest benefits for the lowest monthly premium. Minnesota's Basic plan, however, offers considerably more. It does not cover the Part A and B deductibles or non-emergency care while outside of the U.S. But it does pay for the first three pints of blood per year, Part A and B home health, skilled nursing facility coinsurance, 50 percent of mental health services for outpatients, 20 percent of physical therapy costs and the coinsurance for Part A and B. Minnesota allows companies which sell Basic Medigap plans to add coverage of the Part B deductible, the Part A hospital deductible and the costs of preventive services not paid for by original Medicare for an additional fee.
Extended Basic
If you feel you will regularly need more benefits, you can purchase the Minnesota Extended Basic medicare supplement. Extended Basic has all the same coverage as Basic, along with paying 80 percent of non-emergency medical treatment you receive in a foreign country and 100 percent of foreign travel emergencies after you meet an annual $1,000 deductible.
Medicare SELECT
Two insurance companies in Minnesota sell Medigap policies as Medicare SELECT plans. Medicare SELECT allows users to turn their regular policies into HMO-like managed-care plans. You may still buy your Medicare SELECT Medigap plan as either Basic or Extended Basic, and they come with all the benefits of the regular plans. These require lower monthly premiums and copays but require you to get all your non-emergency medicare services from health providers which participate in your insurance company's approved network. Emergency services can be from any provider and do not have to be received inside the network.
Plans K, L, M, N and F
In 2011, Minnesota residents could also buy Plans K, L, M, N and F. Plans L, M and N are cost-sharing plans. K and L 50 or 75 percent of benefits, while N requires copays for doctor's visits and emergency rooms services. Plan F is a high-deductible plan which does not begin paying any costs for medicare services until your annual deductible is met. In 2011, the yearly deductible for Plan F is $2,000.
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