How to Be a Medicaid Provider in Texas
Go to the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership to download the Medicaid provider application.
Read the information regarding the application process and claim-filing procedure. If you agree, proceed with the application.
Select your provider type. There are many services listed, such as pharmacy, independent lab and maternity service clinic. There are also case management options, including early childhood intervention.
Provide basic personal information. The application requires the name, Social Security number, date of birth, physical address and federal tax identification number for all providers and medical entities for which you have a contractual relationship.
Answer questions. You will be asked a series of "yes" or "no" questions. You'll be asked if you have ever been convicted of a sanction, if you are behind on court-order child support and whether you are a U.S. citizen.
Complete the disclosure of ownership and control interest statement. Write down your legal name, according to the IRS. Answer questions about the number of employees and type of business entity. Sign and date.
Fill out a W-9. Complete a request for taxpayer identification number and certification.
Attach copies of your provider license, permit or certification card. For example, ambulance service providers must attach a copy of their license. Nurses must attach their certification.
Mail the application to your local Medicaid office for review. Call 800-925-9126 to obtain address information.