How to Get Free Medical Insurance

While medical insurance is of great importance to most every American, universal health care is not a benefit the U.S. government offers. The majority of people with health insurance pay for their benefits either through an employer-sponsored group plan or via individual private plans. Free coverage is hard to come by, but not impossible. If you are in one of a few situations, age ranges or income brackets, you may be able to get free medical insurance.


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      Apply to Medicare if you are over age 65. Seniors can receive hospital insurance -- Medicare Part A -- at no cost. Citizens or permanent residents and their spouses who have worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment are eligible. Medicare Part A also covers skilled nursing facility care and hospice. However, Medicare Part B -- medical insurance for doctor's visits, non-acute medical services, and some preventive services, is low-cost but not free and requires a monthly financial payment. Some disabled people under age 65 and people of all ages with end-stage renal disease may also qualify for Medicare. Complete an online application at

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      Visit the and websites to see if you are eligible for Medicaid health insurance. If you are eligible, visit your closest state Medicaid office to apply. You may be eligible for Medicaid if you are pregnant, disabled, blind, deaf, aged or have children who are uninsured because of your limited financial resources. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services encourages people to apply even if they aren't sure if they qualify.

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      Check with your county health or social services department to see if it provides free medical insurance for people with low incomes. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services, for example, provides free medical insurance to the aged, blind, and disabled as well as uninsured, low-income children and pregnant women.

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      Secure a job with a company or government agency that offers fully-paid health insurance benefits. Some employers pay the entire cost of their employees' medical insurance to improve worker satisfaction and retention. In other cases, unions, including those for teachers and airline workers, have negotiated high-level benefits throughout their industries.

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