Who Is Eligible for Iowa Medicaid?
Basic Eligibility
Iowa Medicaid covers families with children, pregnant women, disabled individuals and adults age 65 or older. In addition, women diagnosed with cervical or breast cancer and women of childbearing age may qualify for services. Excluding emergency only services, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal alien to receive Medicaid benefits. You may be required to provide proof of citizenship or alien status, residency, identity, income and Social Security numbers.
Family And Children Income Limits
As of 2009, pregnant women may be eligible for Iowa Medicaid if their income does not exceed 300 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Children up to age 1 are eligible for Medicaid at 300 percent of the FPL. Families with children ages 1 to 18 qualify if their income does not exceed 133 percent of the FPL. Child care costs and 20 percent of your earned income are deducted before determining income eligibility. You may have assets or resources valued at $2,000 to $10,000 depending on your Medicaid coverage group.
Elderly And Disabled Income Limits
Excluding working disabled adults, disabled and elderly individuals may qualify if their in income does not exceed 100 percent to 135 percent of the FPL. Working disabled adults may have a gross income up to 200 percent of the FPL and net income at or below 250 percent of the FPL. Asset limits for disabled or elderly Medicaid recipients are between $2,000 and $13,000 depending on the eligibility group and marital status.
Medically Needy
Iowa Medicaid provides medical coverage to eligible medically needy individuals who do not qualify for traditional Medicaid due to income or resources. Pregnant women, disabled individuals, families with dependent children, aged adults and children up to age 21 may qualify for the Medically Needy plan. With the program, some of your medical expenses are deducted from your income to help you qualify for aid. You may be required to pay a portion of your medical expenses depending on your income.