Iowa Medigap Policies
Open Enrollment
All Medicare users age 65 and older have the right in Iowa to an initial open enrollment period. This period starts when you become 65 and enroll in Part B for the first time and lasts for six months. People younger than 65 who use Medicare do not get this open enrollment period until they turn 65. During this first open enrollment, you cannot be rejected for Medigap by any insurance company that sells it. You also cannot be charged more than anyone else the same age, because of health conditions or gender.
Types of Plans
In 2011, the 10 Medigap plans sold in Iowa are A through D, F, G and K through N. Not all insurance companies that sell Medicare supplements have to sell all 10 plans. Medigap policies are generally only for Medicare beneficiaries who are age 65 or older. However, some insurance companies in Iowa also sell Medigap plans to people younger than 65 who are enrolled in Medicare. Iowa also allows insurance companies to sell Medigap both as regular policies and as Medicare Select policies. The Select option is an HMO-like system that requires users to get medical services from approved providers in return for lower premiums. The benefits are the same as for regular Medigap plans, and emergency services can be provided from any institution. In addition, Plan F is available as a high-deductible plan, with a yearly deductible of $2,000.
Cost-Sharing Plans
Plans K and L are cost-sharing plans that do not cover all the costs of benefits. Plan K covers 50 percent, while Plan l covers 75 percent. Both plans have an annual out-of-pocket limit. In 2011, it's $4,640 for Plan K and $2,320 for Plan L.
Basic Benefits
The basic benefits are the same for all Iowa Medigap plans. These include payment for daily coinsurance for hospital stays over 60 days, expenses for the first three pints of blood per year and the coinsurance for Part A hospice and respite care.
Additional Benefits
Plans B through N offer additional benefits. Plans B through N have benefits for covering the Part A deductible. Plans C through N help with skilled nursing facility coinsurance, while C through G have benefits for medical emergencies outside the United States.