Mississippi Teachers Health Insurance Plan
Health insurance benefits are provided for all teachers in Mississippi. Benefits vary depending on your original hiring date. Those hired before Jan. 1, 2006, pay $20 each month; those hired after that date pay $38 towards their select health insurance premium. Employees must pay premiums for spouses and children. As of January 2011, monthly rates are as follows for those teachers hired before Jan. 1, 2006: $463 for a spouse only; $667 for spouse and children; $175 for one child only; and $332 for all children. Employees hired after Jan. 1, 2006, pay for additional family coverage as follows: $381 for a spouse only; $685 for spouse and children; $193 for one child; and $350 for all children.
Before Blue Cross Blue Shield will pay any medical expenses, you must meet a $1,000 individual deductible or a $2,000 family deductible each calendar year. Also, you must meet a $75 prescription deductible each calendar year before BCBS pays any prescription benefits. A higher deductible will be required if you use doctors not recognized as a participating provider. Use the ""Participating Provider search engine on the BCBS website to make sure that your chosen doctor is part of the network.
After your deductible has been met, BCBS will pay 80 percent of any costs associated with doctor visits, hospital expenses, emergency room expenses, x-rays, lab work, chiropractic services, occupational therapy and physical therapy. BCBS will pay 100 percent of any wellness or preventative services at any time whether or not your deductible has been met. Once a covered family member has paid $2,500 towards her own medical care, BCBS will pay 100 percent of the participant's medical expenses for the remaining portion of the calendar year.
Receiving Benefits
Before you see any doctor, obtain any medical services or fill a prescription, present your medical insurance card to the receptionist. Your card will be used to verify your insurance coverage. Any medical claims will be filed on your behalf by your medical service provider. If you have not met your deductible, you will most likely be expected to pay for any services immediately. You will receive benefits statements directly from BCBS once a claim is paid on your behalf.