How to Change Your Medicaid in Georgia
Check to see if you must report the change. The Georgia Medicaid application asks you to list income from all sources, your current employer, child support payments received or contributions and resources, such as cash, checking and savings accounts or retirement account balances. You must also list your vehicle, day care expenses and all household members. If any of the information reported in your Medicaid application changes, you will be required to report the change. If you are pregnant or applying for children only, you do not have to notify Medicaid of resource changes.
Contact Medicaid immediately. On the Medicaid application, you agree to report changes within 10 days of becoming aware of the changes. Failure to report the information can result in a loss of coverage or other punishment.
Call or visit your local Medicaid office. The Georgia Department of Family and Children Services provides contact information for all offices (see Resources).
Supply proof to support any changes. For example, a pay stub from the current employer or application for unemployment can serve as proof to support a job change or loss.
Request confirmation. Ask for confirmation of the change to ensure the information is reported correctly and within the allotted time period.