Free Health Care for a Pregnant Teenager
Medicaid is a state administered program that pays for health care services for people with low incomes, including children and teens and pregnant women. Pregnant teenagers in need of free health care should apply for Medicaid in the county in which they live. They will need to provide proof of household income and may also need to provide documentation from a doctor or midwife verifying that they are indeed pregnant.
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, pregnant teenagers in active labor (meaning they have regular contractions and doctors anticipate they will give birth soon) or those experiencing any life-threatening complications during pregnancy like hemorrhaging or severe abdominal pain can go to any hospital emergency room for treatment. Emergency room staff must provide treatment even if teens have no health insurance and cannot afford to pay for treatment.
Some clinics provide free or low cost health care to pregnant teens. They may adjust fees on a sliding scale so the amount they charge teens is based on the teens' income levels. Contact your local board of health to ask about such clinics in your area or contact the nearest hospital with a labor and delivery unit and ask if they can refer you to such a clinic. While you might receive free prenatal care at a clinic, you might still have to pay a hospital bill for delivery of your baby. Contact the financial services department at the hospital where you plan to give birth and ask what kind of financial arrangements you can make or ask at the clinic how patients usually manage to pay hospital bills for delivery.
Pregnancy Crisis Centers
Pregnancy crisis centers are religious-based organizations that counsel pregnant women against abortion. They usually provide free pregnancy tests, information about adoption, assistance with things like maternity clothes and baby clothes and other support for pregnant women. They frequent provide assistance to pregnant teenagers. Sometimes they provide prenatal care and other health care services to pregnant women at little or no cost. If not, they may be able to refer you to a place that offers free health care for pregnant teens.