Medicaid Requirements for South Carolina

Medicaid is program meant to help provide health care to low-income families and individuals. Both the federal government and the states share in the costs of Medicaid, but the program is administered by the individual states. In South Carolina, Medicaid is called Healthy Connections and is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services. Although Medicaid and Medicare are not the same program, a person can qualify for both, although this is not automatic; Medicare is reserved for people age 65 and older, with a few exceptions for disabled people. Whether or not you can receive Medicaid/Healthy Connections depends on a number of factors.
  1. Eligibility

    • In order to be eligible for Healthy Connections programs, you need to meet certain criteria. First, you must be able to provide proof of your identity and residency in South Carolina. Since Medicaid is meant for those with low incomes, you and your family cannot exceed a specific income limit and still qualify. As of 2009, the aged, disabled or blind cannot make more than $903 monthly or $10,830 annually, 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Working disabled people cannot make more than 250 percent of the poverty level, or $2,257 per month for a single person. Specified low-income Medicare beneficiaries can't earn more than 120 percent of the poverty level, which in 2009 was $1,083 per month for a single person. Low-income families cannot exceed both a gross income limit and a net income limit, which depends on the size of the family. In 2009, the gross income limit was $1,700 monthly for a family or four, or $920 net.


    • To receive Medicaid in South Carolina, you must fill out an official state application. If you are already approved for Supplemental Security Income benefits, this will be done automatically. Everyone else must complete and submit an application, either in person or by mail. As of 2010, you cannot apply for Medicaid online in South Carolina. Medicaid applications are available at community health centers, hospitals, county health departments and offices of the South Carolina Department of Social Services.

    Breast and Cervical Cancer Program

    • South Carolina offers full Medicaid benefits to most uninsured women who need treatment for cervical or breast cancer or atypical hyperplasia, pre-cancerous lesions. You must meet residency requirements and prove your identity before being approved. You must also be under 65 and have an income under 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

    Medical Services

    • South Carolina's Medicaid program offers a number of services, although beneficiaries are expected to bear the responsibility of co-payments, due when services are rendered. These services include emergency room care, hospital inpatient and outpatient visits, physician services, mental health treatment, home health, behavioral health services, hospice, vision and dental.

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