Can I Add My Boyfriend to My Health Insurance?
Domestic Partnerships
Recognizing that the nuclear family model doesn't reflect all households, some employers have begun permitting employees to add domestic partners to health insurance policies under certain circumstances. Some companies define domestic partners as same-sex unmarried couples living in the same household, so it's possible that you may add your boyfriend if you're male and meet those requirements. Other companies include opposite-sex unmarried couples living in the same household, so it's possible you might be able to add your boyfriend in that situation. Keep in mind that health care coverage for an unmarried partner counts as taxable income, unless he's considered a spouse or dependent under local law or federal tax law, according to the Smart Dollars website.
Individual Policies
If you purchase your own health insurance, it's possible that you may be able to add your boyfriend as a dependent or domestic partner under your policy. Not all insurance companies permit this option, and your monthly insurance premium will go up to reflect the additional coverage. If your boyfriend already has insurance, but you're considering adding him to your own policy because it seems to offer better coverage or lower rates, sit down with both policies and compare benefits line by line. You may conclude that it's a better option to join his policy, or for the two of you to take out an entirely new policy together.
If you're working for an employer offering health insurance and would like to add your boyfriend to the coverage, contact someone in Human Resources to ask about your company's policy toward covering unmarried couples. You may need to sign a document indicating how long you've lived together and confirm that you're in a committed relationship. If you're trying to add your boyfriend to your individual insurance policy, call the company and ask if it offers health insurance options for unmarried couples. Your boyfriend will need to fill out a health background questionnaire prior to approval.
Adding a boyfriend to your health insurance policy is a step toward intertwining your finances. Increased premiums can make a major dent in your monthly budget should your boyfriend become unable or unwilling to pay his share of the bills, so plan carefully. Always let your employer if your relationship status changes; neglecting to inform Human Resources that your boyfriend should be removed if the relationship ends could result in penalties.