What Is a Qualifying UHC Event?
Ordinarily, a person covered under an employer's health care plan must wait for an open enrollment period to come around before he can change his coverage. This usually happens annually, sometime between October and December. The exception to this rule is when an employee experiences a "qualifying event," or a major life change, at which point he is allowed to change his employer-sponsored health care coverage outside of the enrollment period.
A qualifying event is a life change that may necessitate a change in health care coverage. Qualifying events include the birth or adoption of a child; a change in employment; the death of a spouse, child or other dependent; a marriage or divorce; the layoff or employment change of a spouse or partner; and the loss of a spouse's or partner's own health care plan.
Adult Children
UHC has a slightly expanded definition of "qualifying event" for dependent adult children under the age of 26. The usual parameters of marriages, deaths and births apply, as does a dependent's loss of a job with health care coverage. If a dependent is enrolled in COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or a temporary extension of health care coverage in case of job loss) and exhausts it, that also counts as a qualifying event.