Qualifications for an Adult to Be on Medicaid
Qualifying Adult Groups
Medicaid covers only certain adults. Low-income adults who meet the eligibility requirements for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) generally also qualify for Medicaid. Pregnant women, parents and guardians of minors who are aged, blind or disabled and those leaving welfare who need health coverage are eligible to apply. Adults who have limited resources and children under age 18 also may be eligible. Each state also may choose to provide benefits to other individuals at their discretion, depending on their assessment of whether the individual applying is in need of emergency assistance. You must fall into one of these categories to apply for Medicaid, even if you meet all other requirements.
Income and Assets
Because Medicaid is designed to help needy families and individuals, income is a major determinant of eligibility. To determine your eligibility, Medicaid representatives look at where your income falls in comparison to the poverty level. Because every state runs their own version of Medicaid independently, and because every state has a different set poverty level, income requirements are not consistent. Generally, however, as of 2010, you must have an income of between $600 to $800 as an individual and $1,000 to $1,350 as a couple to apply. Assets usually are between $1,100 and $2,000 for individuals and $2,000 and $3,000 for couples. States may grant waivers to this requirement in certain situations, such as if you are classified as disabled.
Other Requirements
Adults who wish to apply for Medicaid must meet other basic requirements in addition to falling into set categories and meeting income/asset tests. These requirements include state residency, providing a Social Security number and having proper identification like a driver's license. Applicants also are checked for citizenship status, as Medicaid is intended for U.S. residents. You must have U.S. citizenship or be a refugee or lawful alien to apply. Some non-lawful aliens may apply in emergency situations.
How to Find Out if You Qualify
The GovBenefits and BenefitsCheckUp websites both provide screening tools that can help you assess your Medicaid eligibility given your state and circumstances. You also may check guidelines available on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website (see Resources). You also can set up an appointment with a representative from your local Department of Health and Human Services. The representative can provide a basic screening and help you apply.