How to Apply for Free Health Insurance

If you live in a low-income or unemployed household, you are more than aware of the everyday struggles to keep food on the table and the rent payments current. An unexpected health emergency can easily strain your finances further. Every state offers some form of health insurance or Medicaid to assist individuals in times of need. If you are without health insurance, check with your state to see if you qualify.

Things You'll Need

  • Birth certificate
  • Social Security card
  • Bank statements
  • Pay stubs
  • Financial statements
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      Locate the website or office location of your state's health department or department of social services. Free health insurance is usually provided through your state government via federal government funding. Find out which state entity handles health insurance coverage.

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      Collect the materials needed to apply for free health insurance. The items vary by state but usually include documents that verify your identity, income and assets. For example, a birth certificate or driver's license is usually used for identification. Locate your Social Security card in case it is needed for the application. To show your income and assets, acquire copies of your recent bank statements, pay stubs and other documents that show any property or vehicles that you own.

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      Fill out the application required to receive free health insurance. You can usually find this application on the department's website or by visiting the department in person. The application will ask for the names of all persons applying for the insurance, as well as personal information regarding the applicants. You will also need to supply copies of the documents compiled in the previous step.

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      Submit the application to the department and wait for the state to contact you. Usually, the state will approve or deny your request within 30 days. If the state has not contacted you in a month, call or visit the health department and ask about the status of your application.

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      Keep your state informed about any changes to your income or financial situation as you receive your free health insurance. Your state will usually set renewal periods in which it will review your case and determine whether you still qualify for assistance.

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