North Carolina Medicaid Requirements
Aged, Blind, and Disabled
Individuals 65 and over, blind, or disabled are possibly eligible for Medicaid. Eligibility is determined by an individual or family's income and amount of resources. Blind or disabled individuals must be evaluated by a physician to determine if they meet eligibility requirements. Applicants who receive Supplemental Security Income are eligible for Medicaid and do not have to apply. North Carolina considers social security, veteran's benefits, wages, pensions, and other retirement accounts as part of your income.
Infants, Children, and Families
Medicaid has set family income guidelines to determine eligibility for infants and children. Income guidelines differ depending on the ages of children. North Carolina does not have a limit on resources. Children between the ages of 6-18 that do not qualify for Medicaid may qualify for the N.C. Health Choice for Children or Medicaid with a deductible. Pregnant women may also qualify for Medicaid.
Long-Term Care Patients
Long-term care patients that meet income and resource requirements are eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid may pay for nursing home stays and intermediate care facilities. Your income cannot exceed the cost of the facility. Individuals that seek to get their care paid for by Medicaid must have it approved by the program. The income of the spouse is protected. Your home, car, and other personal items are not counted as resources when determining eligibility.
Medicare Recipients
Medicare recipients with low income and resources are eligible for Medicare-aid. Medicare-Aid, also known as the Medicare Savings Program, helps individuals pay their Medicare premiums, co-payments, and deductibles. Medicaid offers three parts to the Medicare-Aid program: Comprehensive Medicare-Aid (MQB-Q), Limited Medicare-Aid (MQB-B), and Limited Medicare-Aid Capped Enrollment (MQB-E). Working individuals with a disability may also qualify for Medicare-aid.