How to Apply for Medicaid and Social Security in Maryland
Apply for Medicaid in Maryland at the Maryland Department of Social Services office in the county in which you live (see the link in the Resources section to find the office in your county). If you receive Supplement Security Income or Temporary Cash Assistance, however, you do not need to apply; you automatically qualify. Contact the Department of Social Services if you have not received your Medicaid card. If you must apply, make sure you fill out the application completely. Provide information about all household income when you apply. If you are applying for Medicaid because of a disability, provide proof of your condition.
Apply for the Maryland Children's Health Program at your local health department for a child or for yourself if you are pregnant (see link in Resources section to locate the department nearest you). This program covers the same services covered by Medicaid.
Apply for Social Security in Maryland at any Social Security Administration office . You can apply online for some benefits, like retirement benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance (see link in Resources). You'll need to provide proof of income if you apply for benefits like Supplemental Security Income. You'll also need to provide medical records to apply for disability benefits.