How to Become a Medicare Vendor
Get a National Provider Identifier from the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System website. On the homepage, click "National Provider Identifier" and select "Apply for NPI" on the next page. Read the information about applying for a NPI online and click "Begin Application." Make an account by entering a username and password. Click the "Next" icon and begin the application. Give information about your medical supply business and click "Submit." You will receive your NPI by email within two weeks of submitting the application.
Go to the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) website. Use your NPPES user ID and password to log in to PECOS. Click "New Enrollment" to start the application. Follow the application prompts to complete the questions regarding your what you sell, how you sell it and any previous criminal or civil legal issues. Review your answers and click "Submit." Print the Certification Statement PECOS provides at the end of the application.
Sign and date the Certification Statement, make a copy for your records, and mail the original to the contractor your state Medicare works with to handle provider and vendor enrollment and claims. You must send the statement within seven days of applying for enrollment. Wait up to 45 days for the contractor to process your application and send notice of your approval as a Medicare vendor.