About UnitedHealthcare Individual Insurance
Medical Plans
UnitedHealthcare has several health insurance plan types. Depending on the needs of the individual, UHC offers coverage for a variety of needs and circumstances. The UHC "Copay" insurance plan is very similar to employer-type plans. This plan offers individuals the opportunity to pay a set price for office visits. The plan includes a prescription drug card and covers all exam and preventative care costs after the co-payment has been met. Inpatient and outpatient medical expenses are covered up to 3 million dollars per individual.
For individuals who desire an insurance plan that primarily covers major medical expenses, UHC has a "high deductible" insurance plan. The high deductible plan allows individuals to pay out-of-pocket for minor medical expenses such as routine health care in exchange for a lower insurance premium. Once the plan deductible is met, all covered health care expenses are paid by the insurance policy.
Individuals with short-term insurance needs can take advantage of UHCs "short term medical" insurance. This plan offers participants insurance from one to six months. It is ideal for individuals in between jobs, students or early retirees. The plan covers preventative care and doctor's visits, emergency care, surgery and more. Short-term insurance through UHC is subject to deductibles and co-pays where applicable. Participants have the option to choose deductibles and other plan benefits based on their individual short-term needs.
Dental Insurance
UnitedHealthcare offers "Dental Premiere" and "Dental Value" plans to suit the dental needs of participants. Both plans offer participants coverage for preventative care such as routine cleanings with no deductible or waiting periods. A $50 annual deductible applies for nonpreventative treatments such as wisdom teeth, fillings and root canals. The primary difference between the premiere and value plans is the cost associated with using a dentist outside the UHC dental network. Premiere customers pay lower out-of-pocket costs if they use a dentist not affiliated with UnitedHealthcare.
Medicare is a federal health program for retired individuals. UnitedHealthcare offers Medicare plans to retired persons as well as qualified individuals with disabilities. UnitedHealthcare has Medicare options, including Medicare Advantage Insurance and HMO Health Plans, Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans and Medicare Prescription Drug Insurance Plans.
UnitedHealthcare individual insurance plans are subject to underwriting guidelines and qualifications. Applicants will be asked a variety of questions regarding medical history, current health condition, age and activities. This information is necessary for the insurer to determine eligibility and rates. It is possible for plan participants to be denied insurance coverage based on how they answer some underwriting questions. Pre-existing conditions, in many cases, will be excluded from coverage for a period of time after coverage is extended. A pre-existing condition is an illness that an individual has been diagnosed with or treated for within the six months prior to receiving health insurance coverage.