How to Write a Letter to a Health Insurance Company
Find out the name and title of the person your inquiry or complaint should be directed to. If you called your health insurer about a claim and spoke to a telephone representative, for instance, you should ask that person for the name of his supervisor or for the name of the person designated to receive correspondence on claims. Then follow up in writing, using the name of the supervisor or designated individual and the mailing address provided by the plan representative.
Address your letter to the CEO of the insurance company if your complaint or problem is a serious one. Even if the chief executive of the company does not handle your case personally, writing to the CEO gives the letter a higher level of attention than iti might otherwise receive. You can find the name of the CEO, and the mailing address of the company headquarters, on its website. Just look for the "Contact Us" or "Investor Relations" link.
Type your full return address at the top of the letter. Make sure you use the address you want the insurance company to use when its responds to your inquiry.
Leave three or four blank spaces, then type the name and title of the individual to whom the letter is addressed, followed by the name and address of the insurance company.
Use a "RE:" line if you are writing regarding a specific claim or event. For instance, "RE: Claim 123456789." Leave a blank space and type the name of the individual to whom the letter is addressed. Use the formal salutation "Mr." or "Ms." instead of the individual's first name.
State the purpose of the letter in the first one or two sentences. Clearly state why you are writing, providing as much detail as possible in a a short letter format.
Explain as much as you can about the matter at hand, and what you want the insurance company to do to rectify the situation. Reference any backup materials you have, including lab work, doctor notes and other documentation, then attach copies of that documentation to your letter.
Make copies of all the materials you send, including the letter and any backup documentation. Note the date the letter was sent so you can follow up if no one responds within a reasonable amount of time.
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