Patient's Bill of Rights in New Hampshire
Basic Rights
Each patient should receive information regarding their rights and responsibilities upon admittance to a medical facility, either in writing or orally. These rights may be temporarily suspended in case of emergency situations. All medical staff with whom the patient comes in contact must display their name and status. No patient can be denied care due to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or payment source. Patients should not be subject to abuse, whether physical, emotional or sexual.
Medical Treatment and Records
Under the statute, patients have the right to be completely informed by health care providers regarding their medical condition, diagnostic test results and health care needs. They may participate in the planning of their treatment and retain the right to refuse treatment. Patients may participate in experimental treatment only by written consent. They have the right to access all of their medical records, and know that all information in the records remains confidential and cannot be released without the patients' written approval.
Patients have the right to an explanation of their bills. They should be informed in writing at the time of admittance of a facilities' per diem rate and which services do and do not fall under this rate. Patients may manage their own personal finances. Should patients wish to have the medical facility assist in the financial management, such assistance must be in accordance with New Hampshire rules and regulations.
Patients shall be discharged or transferred only for medical reasons or for the welfare of themselves or other patients, or if the medical facility closes down. Patients may be discharged for non-payment unless such discharge is prohibited by law. Medicaid recipient status does not constitute a reason for discharge. Patient complaints regarding their treatment should be reported to the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.