Medicaid & the Elderly
Elderly people can qualify for Medicaid in all states if they meet income guidelines and have limited resources. They must reside in the state in which they apply and provide proof of income, resources, living expenses and any health insurance coverage. In some states, elderly people who receive Supplemental Security Income automatically qualify for Medicaid and don't even need to apply. If you receive Supplemental Security Income, check with the agency that administers Medicaid in your state to find out whether you qualify.
Application Process
People must apply for Medicaid in the county in which they live. The name of the agency that administers Medicaid varies from state to state; in Ohio the Department of Job and Family Services administers the program, and in Virginia the Department of Social Services administers it. In most states, if elderly people cannot travel to the agency to apply, a caseworker will go to their homes. If elderly people need assistance completing the application or getting the necessary documents, trained staff will assist them.
Medicaid covers a wide range of health care services that elderly people may need, including inpatient hospitalization, outpatient visits to doctors, laboratory tests, physical therapy, prescription drugs, home health care, hospice care and nursing home care. Sometimes Medicaid will cover assisted-living facilities. In some states, Medicaid also covers dental care and vision care for elderly people. Not all health care providers accept Medicaid, so recipients need to verify with their providers that they will accept it before receiving services.
Many people age 65 and over receive Medicare. Medicare covers many health care services but recipients must pay deductibles and co-insurance for many services. People can receive both Medicare and Medicaid if they meet the eligibility criteria for both, and elderly people with low incomes can benefit from receiving Medicaid even if they have Medicare because Medicaid covers many things that Medicare does not cover. For instance, Medicare does not cover most dental services, but in some states Medicaid does cover dental care for elderly people. Medicaid also covers co-insurance payments for Medicare recipients who qualify.