Health Underwriting & Benefits Administration
Underwriting is a common process when individuals or families apply for insurance. It is a process whereby companies assess the suitability of people in relation to the insurance products they offer. Many insurance companies have a specific range of risk categories for individuals according to existing health conditions and family medical history.
Health underwriting is a key part of health care benefit administration The cost of health insurance policies depends on a number of factors underwriters check against a company's 'ideal candidate' criteria. These factors can include current and recent health, historic familial conditions and lifestyle. Typically, the further the deviation from the 'ideal candidate' criteria, the higher the premiums charged for health insurance.
Ensuring that individuals who require health care receive the appropriate level of care is vital to a functioning health care system. The provision of health care benefits must be managed efficiently with concern for the triage of medical priority. Benefit administration is a fundamental part of the process of administering medical resources for those with health insurance.