How to Apply for Medicaid for a Nursing Home
Visit your local Medicaid office in person or online. If you need help locating the office, contact the Department of Social Services in your state. Depending on the state's website, you may be able to complete the application online.
Meet the age requirements. Elderly individuals 65 years of age or older can apply for Medicaid coverage. If you are under age 65, Medicaid must deem you as disabled before you are eligible for long-term Medicaid care.
Meet the financial requirements. Your state outlines specific income limitations to qualify for Medicaid. For example, in Texas an individual cannot exceed $1,737 a month to be eligible for nursing home Medicaid. There are also asset limitations. An individual cannot have more than $2,000 in countable assets. Your home, vehicle and personal property are exempt. Your spouse is limited to one half of your joint assets up to $109,560 for 2010. According to Medicare, many people who enter nursing homes privately eventually qualify for Medicaid.
Complete the application. The application will request your personal, financial and nursing home information. If you are currently hospitalized, the hospital case worker can assist you with the application process. Provide financial documentation such as bank statements.
Submit the application. A caseworker will review your application to determine your eligibility. If she needs additional information, the case worker will contact you. Depending on the state, an interview may be necessary, either in person or over the phone.
Select a nursing home. Medicaid must approve the nursing home you select. Be aware that you will need to pay the nursing home. The Medicaid rule requires nursing home residents to pay all of their income, excluding certain deductions, to the nursing home. The deduction is usually a $60 a month allowance. The allowance amount may vary, depending on the state.