How to Become a Medicaid Provider in Alabama
Go to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website. Click the "National Provider Identifier" (NPI) link. Click "Apply for NPI", read the information on the next page and click the "Begin Application" icon at the bottom of the page. Fill out the required information and click "Submit." You will receive an email notification from NPI within 15 days of your application.
Call the EDS provider enrollment department at 888-223-3630 to receive the provider enrollment application by mail or fax. You can also download the application from the Alabama Medicaid website.
Complete the first two pages of the application. Provide such information as the type of practice you run or participate in, your name or the name of your group practice, the NPI for you or the group practice, contact information to verify credentials, admitting privileges and number of hours per week you or and any other members of the practice work with patients.
Read and sign the rest of the pages which detail the agreement between you and the Alabama Medicaid Agency.
Mail or fax the completed application to the EDS Provider Relations department. Wait five business days for EDS to process and approve the application. You will receive the enrollment notification within two business days of approval.