What Services Will Medicaid Pay For?

Medicaid is a state-run program that pays medical costs for low-income people. The federal government partially funds each state's Medicaid program and sets the minimum benefits. However, the states determine their own eligibility rules and choose which additional services their Medicaid program will pay for. Medicaid participants might have to pay small monthly premiums and co-pays at the time of service.
  1. Hospital Expenses

    • All medicaid programs pay for expenses incurred because of inpatient and outpatient hospital services. This is includes physician fees, medications and procedures.

    Pregnancy-Related Expenses

    • Medicaid pays for pregnancy-related expenses such as prenatal care by an obstetrician or nurse-midwife, costs related to the birth and postpartum care. Medicaid also pays for birth control and sterilization services.

    Office Visits

    • State Medicaid programs pay for office visits to see a doctor or nurse practitioner. This includes regular check-ups and office visits when something is wrong.

    Children's Dental Expenses

    • Federal law requires all states to pay the dental expenses for Medicaid beneficiaries under age 21. States may choose to pay for dental care for people over age 21.

    Diagnostic Expenses

    • Medicare will pay for medically necessary diagnostic services such as blood work or other laboratory services, X-rays and CAT scans. The referring physician must have good reason to require the tests.

    Home Health Nursing and Nursing Facility Expenses

    • States are required to pay for medically necessary care for people age 21 and older. Medicaid also pays for at-home nursing services for children under age 21 and and people of any age who require home nursing care.

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