Florida Free Health Care for Kids
Medicaid for Children
Medicaid under KidCare is for children with the greatest financial need. Medicaid covers all ages under 19. It is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration (ACHA) in Florida. Eligibility is income-based; for children under 1 year of age, a family's gross income must be less than 200 percent of the most current year's Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For children ages 1 to 5, the gross income threshold is 133 percent of FPL. Families with children between 6 and 18 years of age must have a gross income of less than 100 percent of FPL. All age groups cannot have assets worth over $2,000. If the child lives with a caretaker other than his parents, only the child's income is considered. ACHA must process all applications within 45 days of ACHA's receipt of the application.
MediKids enrollees receive the same benefits as Medicaid enrollees. MediKids is part of the KidCare program and is administered through the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration. The program is for children between the ages of 1 and 4. While health care is free, a monthly premium charge of $15 to $20 per household (depending upon family size and income) could be required. For families that have incomes higher than the MediKids guidelines, MediKids has a low-cost insurance option: for $159 per child per month, enrollees get most Medicaid benefits.
Healthy Kids
Healthy Kids provides low-cost heath insurance for children between 5 and 18. Healthy Kids provides the same health care as MediKids, but for children between the ages of 5 and 18. It is administered through Florida Healthy Kids Corporation. It also has a monthly insurance premium of $15 to $20, based on family size and income, but the guidelines are higher than for MediKids. Although it primarily provides no-cost cost health care for children, there are occasions when a small copay might be necessary for some services.
Children's Medical Services Network
CMS provides comprehensive care, including home health care and therapies. Children's Medical Services (CMS) Network offers Medicaid benefits for Florida children with special needs (physical or mental disabilities) who are between birth and age 18. Eligibility depends upon family income and the child's clinical condition. Clinical condition is evaluated by Children's Medical Services nurses.
KidCare must be renewed on an annual basis. Qualified applicants must be United States citizens (or qualified aliens). All applicants are required to have a social security number and be uninsured before KidCare begins. Enrollment must be renewed annually.
Covered Services
KidCare covers a wide range of health care, not just doctor visits. KidCare in Florida provides a full set of services that includes doctor visits, checkups, vaccinations, hospital care, surgery, prescriptions, emergencies, vision, hearing, dental and mental health.
How to Apply
Before sending in your application, make a copy for your records. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The application form is available online and is accepted in person or by mail, fax, email or online. It is important to make a copy of your application before sending it in.