The Differences Between Individual Health Care Plans & 504 Plans
School districts are responsible for the procedures and standards necessary for accurate evaluation of students who may need special services because of health problems or a disability. Section 504 mandates this evaluation to determine whether the student being tested falls under the disability provisions or more general health issues, in which case Section 504 would not apply but an IHP might be in order. All tests must be specifically delineated to measure and evaluate either disability or aptitude.
Types of Health Problems
Individual health plans are designed to ensure educational equality regardless of specific health care issues and related needs. These IHPs cover a wide range of difficulties, including chronic conditions, asthma and other breathing problems, attention deficit disorder, incontinence troubles and other physical disabilities. Only those with what the law defines as a mental or physical impairment that largely limits major life activities are covered within 504-related plans.
Limitations covered under Section 504 must be determined on a case-by-case basis, performed by a variety of knowledgeable people using varied sources. The key difference in standards is whether a condition is categorized as either an impairment or disability. There are no handicaps that automatically categorize students as falling under Section 504 or more general issues that still require individual health plans.
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