West Virginia Medicaid Benefits
In West Virginia, children, pregnant women, elderly people and disabled people can get Medicaid if they meet income guidelines. Parents of eligible children may also qualify. Only U.S. citizens who live in West Virginia are eligible for West Virginia Medicaid.
Income Guidelines
A person must meet specific income guidelines to qualify for West Virginia Medicaid benefits. The amount of money a person can earn and still qualify depends on your family size. Some people may have to meet monthly spend-down amounts before receiving their Medicaid cards, which means they only receive Medicaid after they pay a certain amount of medical bills themselves. It's like a deductible they must meet each month and the amount of the spend down depends on their monthly income.
West Virginia Medicaid covers a wide variety of health care services, including inpatient hospitalization, emergency room visits, visits to doctors and clinics, medical tests like x-rays and blood tests, mental health care and prescription medications. It covers comprehensive dental care and vision care for children and limited dental and vision services for adults. There are some services not covered by West Virginia Medicaid. If a person receives services that are not covered, he must pay for them himself. To prevent unpleasant surprises, make sure understand what services are covered before receiving treatment.
West Virginia residents who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) do not have to apply for Medicaid. They automatically qualify and will receive a Medicaid card in the mail. If you do not receive SSI, you must apply for Medicaid at your local Department of Health and Human Resources office. If you cannot go to the office due to a disability, you can call to schedule an appointment for someone to come to your home to take your application.
Using Medicaid
Check with your health care providers to make sure they accept West Virginia Medicaid before you schedule an appointment. Some health care providers do and some do not. Take your Medicaid card with you to each appointment to verify your coverage. If you choose to see a health care provider that does not accept Medicaid, you must pay the bill yourself.